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Exterior Painting

Interior and exterior painting are two totally different tasks. This is why the Advanced painting team takes their time to do the job right and make sure the exterior of your home or building has a professional finish to it. *Please specify if any staining or painting of irregular surfaces is needed in advance* Here is our process:


Step 1: Power Washing

This step is essential to remove any loose paint, mildew, or stains and is highly recommended before the painting of an exterior begins. Power washing provides our team a fresh, clean surface to work with instead of just covering up old exterior problems.


Step 2: Preparation

Once power washing is complete the Advanced Painting crew will make sure all windows and various areas of risk are protected from paint with tape lining and tarps. Priming can be specified by the customer – we can do entire exterior priming or spot priming.


Step 3: Painting

Multiple coats of paint are applied and our painters only use paint that is specified for exterior use. Extra coats of protective sealants are recommended to extend for exterior paint to last longer.


Step 4: Cleaning

Exterior painting is usually a multiple day project and our crew will be sure to be respectful of your space and complete daily clean ups. A final cleanup is completed on the day of completion for exterior painting projects.


Step 5: Inspection

We want our clients to be 100% sure that they are pleased with the work that the professionals at Advanced Painting have completed.


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